Embrace tomorrow's uncertainty with confidence

Uncertainty can create anxiety for businesses unprepared for what lies ahead. Without a clear vision, aligned leadership, and a growth-focused culture, the pressure mounts, and the fear of falling behind becomes real. Mark Fenner and Rise Performance Group combine the proven Scaling Up framework, world-class coaching, and a community of like-minded leaders that propel you to confidently embrace change and build a foundation for scale.
An arrow pointed up and to the right.

For mid-market companies that want to:

  • Think bigger
  • Be bolder
  • Make more decisive commitments to move forward

You will:

  • Successfully plan and execute an effective growth strategy
  • Build and maintain a corporate culture that consistently achieves results
  • Empower your team to improve accountability, decision making, and problem solving skills
  • Reduce drama and down-time in favor of focusing on strategic priorities

How to get involved

Rise Community

Join the Rise Community to get access to exclusive content, first priority to community webinars, and Scaling Up Growth Tools.

Join the Community

Scaling Up Two-Day Strategic Planning

Rather than trying to run the meeting while also participating, Scaling Up Certified Coach, Mark Fenner, will lead a two-day strategic planning session for you and your executive leadership team. You and your team will leave the strategic planning with a clear plan of attack to accomplish your goals over the next 90 days.

Two ways to get started

  • Stacked Approach Group Planning
  • Private Team Planning
Schedule a Consultation

Scaling Up Results Coaching

If you're ready to scale your business with higher profit margins while creating more freedom and having more fun, Scaling Up Results Coaching is for you. Drive accountability down to your team so you can free your time up for market-facing activities that are needed to scale to new heights.

Two ways to get started

  • Stacked Approach Group Coaching
  • Private Executive Team Coaching
Schedule a Consultation

The Stacked Approach to Scaling Up

Rise Performance Group's proprietary Stacked Approach offers cohort-based solutions for business owners. Not only do you receive results-focused coaching and the battle-tested Scaling Up platform, you also get to grow alongside like-minded peer business owners that share your passion and grit.

Like-Minded Community

Join a driven, ambitious network of industry leaders that share your passion and grit.

A World-Class Coach

Leverage the expertise of a Scaling Up coaching veteran with a proven track record of moving mid-market companies to $100M and beyond.

Scaling Up Framework

Establish radical accountability among your leadership team based on the battle-tested foundation of the Scaling Up framework.
Schedule a Consultation

Client testimonials

Scale your company to its full potential

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