Coaching for Success: Enhancing Performance as a Manager

How effective are you at coaching and developing others? Countless studies have concluded that the best managers are those that create a sense of purpose and develop others. Everything in nature is either growing or dying. Your employees are no different. 

The key to growth is developing people and developing people starts with being a great coach. Today's high performing organizations recognize the war for talent is over and talent has won. To engage and retain A-Players, you and your team must improve their coaching skills.

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What you will learn

1. Recognize why you must coach and develop others.
2. Identify a consistent process for coaching and developing employees to their best self.  
3. Discover resources to aid you in becoming a coach to your employees.
4. Learn how to inspire through vision creation. 
5. Practice turning a long-term vision into actionable plans.

“Management is about persuading people to do things they do not want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could.” ~ Steve Jobs

Who this webinar is for

Entrepreneurs, founders and leaders of high-growth companies who want accelerated results with less effort.

- My team is not delivering on its objectives.
- I deal with too much drama.
- My team waits to be told what to do.
- I wish I had a stronger team who anticipated what needs to be done next
- My people are not growing and being promoted.
- I am losing staff to competitors.

There’s nothing more important than moving your managers from the mindset of “I need to be a manager” to coaching and developing your employees into the best versions of themselves.

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