Find Your X-Factor: Your 10-X Competitive Advantage

“It’s not that I’m so smart.  But I stay with the questions much longer.” ~ Albert Einstein

Elon Musk has become one of the richest entrepreneurs on the planet. One of his secrets is asking the right questions and learning how he can control industry constraints. He is also relentless in identifying areas where he can gain an outsized cost advantage in the marketplace. By teaching an index to his team to identify 10-X opportunities and an algorithm to challenge the base assumptions, the Space X team took the cost of a rocket from $2,000,000 to $200,000. A 10-X advantage.

This process of identifying and capitalizing on your X-factors is a game changer, one that will help define winning in your particular industry and catapult you to the top against your competitors.

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Who is it for?

Entrepreneurs and managers in B2B growth firms who are looking to win over their competitors.

What you will learn

Practical examples of the X-Factors that leaders like Elon Musk and others have identified to scale their businesses, a thinking approach to identifying X-Factors in your organization, and actions that can be taken immediately to create an outsized advantage in the marketplace.

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